by Lexi Inks
Let’s be real for a sec: August 2024 was a doozy, right? Between the U.S. election season really kicking off, the summer heat rising to her peak, and that damn Mercury retrograde… this month was a tough one, for sure. Luckily, with the ending of the recent Mercury Rx, we’re entering a new season and a fresh chapter. The new moon in Virgo on September 2 will help us usher in a time of digging into the details, so that we can start to build the bigger picture.
A mutable earth sign, Virgo is typically known for focusing on the menial and mundane aspects of life; routines, chores, task lists, and organization are likely some faves of any Virgos you might have in your life. What isn’t always recognized, however, is the way Virgos are able to turn the mundane into magic, according to Holly Ramey, an astrologer, reiki master, and creator of the popular newsletter “Long Strange Trip.” She shares that this Virgo new moon will offer us a chance to harness the grounding earth energy and set a strong foundation for our wildest dreams.
“I love Virgo as a sign. It reminds me of manifestation, alchemy, magic,” Ramey says. “To make earth changeable and adaptable is a very special thing. Virgo is the magician, the green witch, the alchemist — the one who can really use the stable energy of earth as grounding and foundation… but then bring in some practical magic.”
What is a new moon?
While the old wives tales and spooky stories have probably informed you about the lore around full moons, you may not know much about the significance of a new moon. The difference is pretty simple to understand if you take a look at the views themselves; a full moon is easily visible, because it occurs when the moon and sun are in opposite positions in opposing signs, Ramey explains. New moons, on the other hand, aren’t visible because the sun and moon are sitting in the same degree in the same sign.

The astrological meaning of a new moon can be thought of from the perspective of a farmer, Ramey says. “When I think of a new moon, I’m thinking of planting seeds and gestation. The new moon is an interesting time because we have to be able to do the work, plant the seed, water and weed, and just know and trust that those manifestations and intentions are going to grow,” she says. “The days approaching the new moon I think of as like a release period, and then the the new moon and the days after it are a more active period when we can start working towards our manifestation.”
What does the Virgo new moon in September 2024 mean?
This new moon in Virgo is a fantastic time to ground yourself, get serious about the work ahead of you, and conceptualize how those efforts can help you manifest your dream life. The connection between earthy Virgo and watery Pisces presents a unique chance for you to harness both elements for maximum benefit. “This new moon is not quite as tense as what we saw in August… this new moon is relatively chill compared to that,” Ramey says. “There is one tense aspect, in that the Virgo new moon is opposite Saturn in Pisces. And Pisces is more about the bigger picture, where Virgo is about the mundane. Pisces is the spiritual and the imagination.”
Rather than choose one focus over another, Ramey shares that this new moon on September 2 is the perfect time for you to establish a harmony between your manifestations and your foundations. “There’s a there’s there’s a big theme that we’ve been working on, which is just like this tension between reality and fantasy and how we’re going to work it out. How are we working out our our fantasies and able to bring them into real form?” she says. “There’s this real need for us to be able to balance our fantasy and creativity with the work that we need to do, and the structures that we need to create in order to make that happen long term.”
How will the new moon affect my sign?
Although this new moon in Virgo comes just in time to usher in birthday season for people with a Virgo sun sign, every single zodiac sign will have its own experience on September 2. Here’s how you can use the new moon energy, based on your sun sign:
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Despite your fiery, bold nature, you can enjoy the more subtle nuances of this Virgo new moon if you’re an Aries. Checking in on your daily tasks and structures, like Virgos love to do, will make your life flow more easily. “Aries are going to be more focused on work, health, and day-to-day structures and routines — whether that’s organizing their closet or like redoing their calendar,” Ramey says. “It could be starting a new morning or evening routine that helps you wind down and feel more relaxed and grounded in your body.” Time to make those dentist appointments or start that new workout program!
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The earthy bulls are all about creature comforts and self-care, but this usually manifests in different areas of their ~adult~ life. Ramey says this new moon is a great opportunity for a Taurus to heal their inner child with some pure, unbridled fun. “Taurus is going to be in a fun, playful, creative season. They can really work on digging deep into their passions, their inner drives, anything they love to do as a child,” she says. “A sense of play and creativity can be highlighted now, anything that’s inner-child healing, and how that relates to their current day self-expression.” You’ve been wanting to try that spin-and-sip pottery and wine class for a while now — why not sign up?
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Fall is the perfect season to get cozy, make some warm drinks, and settle in to nest for the season. If you’re a Gemini, your Virgo new moon will probably involve a lot of those fall vibes coming into play. “Gemini is going to be focused more on home, on family, and a sense of belonging,” Ramey explains. “They might want to stay at home, be cozy, cook comfort foods, spend more time with their loved ones or chosen family, and maybe they’re even doing something like moving homes or redecorating their home. This could even mean their metaphorical ‘home’ inside themselves.”
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
If you aren’t already aware, Mercury is the planet ruling all things communication. Hence why you and your partner tend to get into major spats or your boss misunderstands your emails and gets snippy anytime Mercury retrograde comes around. For Cancer, Mercury will actually come into play in a positive way during the Virgo new moon. “Cancer is going to be more social and out in the community. This is a great time for writing, teaching, reading a ton of books, taking in all the information,” Ramey says. “Focus on socializing, networking, writing, publishing, anything in that world. Mercury is going to move into Virgo, so that’ll enhance these themes.”
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Gearing up for big moves, Leo? The new moon energy in Virgo is going to help you figure out the best ways to prep for that. “Leo is going to be focused on material stability, self-worth, value, the work they do in the world, and how they identify with it,” Ramey says. “This could pull focus in areas like finances or their possessions, but it’s very much more focused around their material world. It might be a good time for them to work on their budget or get a new job if they’re not happy.” Pull out those spreadsheets, and let’s make it happen.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
As we enter #VirgoSZN, you birthday babes are going to feel a very, well, self-ish energy. Not in the way of arrogance or shirking your social responsibilities to others, but more in the realm of figuring out who you are, who you want to become, and how to make it all happen. “Virgos are going to be focused on their personality, their ego, their sense of self-awareness, and maybe even their physical appearance,” Ramey says. “They may find that they feel like being creative in their self-expression, their individuality, their image, or just going a little bit deeper into their sense of who they are and their values.”
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Prior to their celebration season coming up, Libras have some work to do. “Libras are going to be a little more in ‘hermit mode.’ They’re going to be more focused on behind-the-scenes projects in their lives,” Ramey says. “Things that they’re working on but maybe other people can’t see yet. Even unconscious fears or desires, deeper spirituality, dreams. For Libras, it’s going to be more about working on things that maybe aren’t ready for like the light.” This is a great time to do as Megan the Stallion says, and “make moves in silence” for a bit.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
It’s party time for you scorpions! Now is a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, stop brooding so much in the dark corners of your mind (as y’all are known to do), and get out there. During this new moon, Ramey shares, “Scorpio is going to be more social. They’re going to be more showing up in community. They may be more focused on their higher dreams, hopes, and wishes for the future. This is a great energy for Scorpio to be out socializing, connecting with like-minded people, and organizing group events.”
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
While image isn’t everything, it can be helpful to evaluate how you present yourself to the world from time to time. If you’re a Sagittarius, then a possible rebrand during this Virgo new moon is calling your name. “A Sag is going to be more focused on long-term goals. Big public projects, public image, career and money stuff, and coming into more autonomy or more authority in the work that they do or the way they put themselves out into the world.” Ramey also notes that Virgo is a great sign at creating structures for these improvements, so “it could be a busy time for Sagittarius at work — but it’ll be productive.”
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
You work so hard, Capricorn. Rather than grinding it out to the bitter end this fall, Ramey suggests that you can start to reap the rewards of all your hard work and focus. “Capricorn is going to be more focused on moving from a place of learning to the place of true understanding,” she says. They may feel like the dots are connecting, especially because Mercury is going direct now and things are coming together. They also might have a bug to get out there and travel, expand their horizons a little bit, or escape the day-to-day with reading and learning.” Give yourself some time to explore, time to expand your mind, or quality time with a book — whether that be the novel on your nightstand or a page in your passport.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Draw the bubble bath and prepare your face masks, water-bearers. If you’re an Aquarius, it’s time to dive into your own waters and do some real healing. “Aquarius is going to be focused more on their internal world. This could be a time for them to do some self-care like therapy, occult practices like Reiki, or any healing arts,” Ramey says. “This is a really good time to dive into those deeper places for Aquarius and work out any emotional patterns and attachments. It may also pull focus on their shared resources or some really deep, intimate partnerships.”
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Cuffing season is upon us, and some signs are more guilty than others of wanting to jump into intense connections right away — risking unhealthy patterns of codependency. If you’re a Pisces, Ramey says that, “This month is going to be really good for working on your one-on-one partnerships, whether it’s a committed partner, romantic relationship, or a business collaboration.” Think about the connections you have with others in your life. Does anything seem off? “Is the balance between give and receive feeling right? Do I feel like I have interdependence or do I feel more more codependent?” Ramey offers.