by Lexi Inks
Whether you’re on the hunt for a new role in this abysmal job market or you’re simply growing your network and keeping options open, you probably know that LinkedIn can be, well, a total cesspool. The LinkedIn Lunatics Reddit community wouldn’t exist if that weren’t true. Luckily, for those of us who are often amused while scrolling through random, AI-word-salad posts from “thought leaders” and totally out-of-touch CEOs, r/LinkedInLunatics keeps tabs on all of these people — and provides a hilarious curation of their most unhinged takes.
The professional social network keeps me entertained and, dare I say, engaged many times throughout the work day. I love scouring through people’s profiles (thank god I have a Premium account for anonymity) and seeing their insane comments, posts, and shares about anything from “better” hiring practices to their supposed DEI initiatives to full-on public naming and shaming of HR managers for not emailing them back in a timely manner. Some people on LinkedIn are just crazy to me, so here’s a collection of the best posts I’ve seen on the LinkedIn Lunatics Reddit page.
I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for 200, Alex
It’s amazing how some people don’t think they’ll ever get caught stealing content or reposting BS stories and statuses as if they were even remotely believable. Clickbait is lame enough already… at least be original when you’re begging for likes and engagement.
Why are we talking about politics on LinkedIn? This ain’t Facebook
It’s hysterical to me when some people (*cough cough* boomers) love to shout “Everything doesn’t have to be political” in one breath and then go completely off the rails in a rant about politics the next. Not only that, but now that Vice President Kamala Harris is the Democratic presidential candidate, mediocre white men love to degrade her character and intelligence by calling anything under the sun into question. Why? Oh, because she’s a woman. Notice how Frank here is spouting off some insane stuff while having the bright green “Open to Work” badge on his profile photo. Huh, maybe there’s a reason he’s looking for work. Just a thought.
Ahh, yes, the “coal minds”
Call me an elitist all you want, but if you’re going to post a sassy and unnecessary rant virtue signaling about how hard you work and how you’re just promoting “working hard” by doing extra, unpaid labor on a holiday, at least have the forethought to use spell-check. Also, I don’t know about anyone else, but my grandparents never worked in the “coal minds,” and they certainly didn’t have a tough time having to pay multiple 6-figures for a tiny fixer-upper house back in their day, when homes cost about as much as a McDonalds’ Diet Coke.